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Not my Halloween costume! Make up from a NJ Dept of Insurance Fraud commercial shoot with Priceton Partners. "CLAIMS!" 

One of the nicest and most talented actors in the business, David Strathairn.

Riley and I on the set of a Johnson and Johnson shoot in Boston.

Just a coupla girls chatting on House of Cards.

Morgan Hammel and I in New Hampshire shooting an American Women's College commercial.

Hanging out with Carra Minkof on setf!

Jonas and I on location at None Such Farm in Bucks County shooting the film, 6:15.

Clockwise from top to bottom, David Volin, me, Bill Larson, Janis Dardaris,  Patrick Michael, Lenny Steinline Jr., and Kate Kearney-Patch.

Brian Wilson and I were brought together for a reading of James Papa's, Ray of Hope.

What's new?


March 1, 2022


Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! Some of you may or may not know my obsession with everything New Orleans but the passion runs deep. I have my own Mardi Gras bead tree in the backyard and will look upon it fondly today as people in NOLA are parading around having fun and gorging themselves on King Cake! Jealous? You bet.


And while Carnival has been happening, I decided to use my time wisely up here in the cold of the North, and put together a new demo reel. My last one had some work I was proud of but terribly outdated so it no longer served me. This one is much more current and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Check it out and let me know what you think!




August 23, 2021


Almost 3 years since I last updated my website and quite a bit has happened. I got my real estate license and signed with Coldwell Banker Realty, we gutted and renovated half our house (much of it ourselves), have had oodles of foster dogs come through while we found them their forever homes, I built and fine-tuned my home recording studio, and oh yeah, my family and I survived round one of the Coronavirus pandemic.  


So here we are, vaccinated and masked and holding on to hope we get through this next round unscathed. If I could put all my loved ones in a bubble and wait this out I would. But I can't, so I just wake up every day trying to feel normal, trying to put on a brave face for my kids, trying to get the energy to work out, trying not to look to food or alcohol for comfort, trying to stay off social media, trying not to cry for the world when I watch the news, trying to count my blessings for having a roof over my head, food on the table, and the ability to bring in income. One day at a time, right?


Speaking of income and wow, what an awkward transition, I'd like to remind you that I am here with new headshots, a new Yeti mic, and happy to take as many Covid tests you require in order to be on set. Voiceovers have certainly kept me busy this past year and a half so please keep them coming! I've had a few opportunties to be on set and on those occasions, I actually got choked up being able to do what I love and see the film community I adore and admire. So if you see a tear in my eye next time we're on set together, call the make dept over before my mascara runs. You have been warned.


Seriously though, I miss you all - the crew, the clients, the talent, so please stay safe and sane. Peace out.


PS - Thank you Mike Styer for the new shots!



November 4, 2018


Whoa, it's been almost 2 years to the day since I've updated this blog. That's downright reprehensible! But here I am, making an effort to keep you up-to-date on my latest and greatest. My mother often says, "Why don't you tell me when you book something?!" Honestly, I think it's because after I do a job, I am on to the next thing trying to keep the momentum going.  


And momentum certainly will not allow me to sit down at this computer chair for the amount of time it would take to tell you what I've been doing for the past 2 years, I did update my resume and even added some Behind the Scenes photos for your entertainment. 


Speaking of, you will see some photos from my 3rd episode of What Would You Do?, an episode titled Stay at Home Dad Shaming, shot last month. Please don't judge me for what you will witness me saying to this poor guy. Remember, I'm an ACTOR! Not sure what the airing date is but I will post it when I hear.


Coming up, I have recently been cast on the Netflix show, Mindhunter. Now this is a show I absolutely adore! The role is a reporter, said to be reoccurring, and will shoot in Pittsburgh sometime before the end of December. 


Other notable mentions are recent opportunities to work with Alex Kaplan, Mike Pfeifer and the fabulous crew at Short Order Production House on a AAA/Discover Bank spokesjob. Also recent, a commercial with the multi-talented Brian Gallagher where I was cast alongside my husband and son, Jonas (the guys are really the stars of this spot!). Just this week, I did a GSK industrial with BTK Communications under the helm of Barbara Radler and Abbey Benowitz. Also recent are multiple pharma videos and voice overs with the awesome folks at Red Nucleus, and some great opportunities to work on a Keytruda video with Steve Gallo and MNG Health. Adam Bauser (Bauser Media) and I got to work together again on a video after quite a long hiatus! Pamela Kramer (Baron Bradley Casting) kept me busy with projects like Absent Witness and Tomato Limbo and don't even get me started on all the work my kids have been doing! I have to leave that to a whole other blog. Till next time...


November 6, 2016


Just a quick Fall update to share some recent work. Enjoying the upswing before it slows down before the holidays!


Just last week, I recorded a voice over for Cosmed Recovery Pillow at M3 Health. Happy to be working with Jennifer Valentine and Ximena Perez! 


I shot a corporate video for Advantexe at Center City Film and Video. Always great to work with Mark DiBartelomeo and his crew!


I played a nurse in a pharma video at Red Nucleus. Caroline Wilhelm and Scott Penke were my cheering section as I pushed through all that medical jargon. I was awfully close to earning my M.D. after that one!


And I had an absolute blast shooting a recreation of an old zombie film-esque commercial for the NJ Dept of Insurance Fraud with Dennis Nobile and the team at Princeton Partners. It is never a dull production with these guys!




September 14, 2016


It’s been almost exactly one year to the day since my last blog. Work, kids, animals…life gets in the way of putting complete thoughts together sometimes. But here I am attempting just that, and taking a moment to thank some of the people that help to keep me working in this crazy but wonderful business. So in no particular order, here are some of my 2015-2016 highlights…


This year has had me traveling outside the tri-state area quite a bit. First it was a live performance in Orlando, FL for Janssen Pharmaceuticals with Dennis Nobile and his troupe of talented actors! Dennis has quickly become one of my favorite people to work with. Truly supportive of actors and our craft, super positive, and a helluva lot of fun to hang out with on set all day!


Next, I was off to Boston for a few days for a Johnson and Johnson shoot. The key to working outside of your city it to be surrounded by really awesome people and I was lucky to experience that. The folks from the NY and Boston offices of Genuine Media Group are truly a group of lovely and talented people. We were in great hands with Cynthia Kuker, Mary-Anne DiThomas, Andrew Rohman, Giola Veliaj, Beth Burkus (Jack Morton), and Caitlyn Murphy. I’d travel anywhere with these people again. Bonus: my character not only was a dog owner to the most awesome actor-dog but also played on a soccer team where I got to run around for 2 fun-filled hours kicking some ass on the field!


The next trip was fairly recent. In fact, I just got back from reprising my role in the theatrical tour of the Pantea Production show, “Silken Veils”, directed by Candace O’Neill Cihocki which performed at the Phoenix Theater in Indianapolis for two weeks where we collaborated with Indy Convergence. Lots of great people involved – Leila Ghaznavi (the creator), Bob Stineman, Robert and Caitlyn Negron, Zach Moore, and Ryan Mullins. Special thanks to Leila for bringing me along on such a great trip! Lots of pics from the excursion on the Behind the Scenes page.


Speaking of Silken Veils, we are about to perform it again in the Philly Fringe Festival, opening tonight at Theater X. Details and ticket information can be found on Slightly different cast with Paul Del Signore playing Ahmeed in this production. Making us sound and look good in Philly is David Sexton, Margot Smith, and Aaron Lathrop.  


And speaking of Pantea Productions, if you missed last year’s production of Soldier Bear, I’ve put the filmed production of it under my Clips page. The extraordinary work of Bob Stineman, Leila Ghaznavi, Aaron Lothrop, Gwendolyn Rooker, and Candace Cihocki can be seen there as well.


I will take a moment her to remind you that this blog truly follows no chronological order…


Many of you caught the episode of ABC’s “What Would You Do?” that I shot this summer and aired a couple of weeks ago. I played a jilted wife of a man, played by the very sweet and professional, Jason E. Lee, cheating on me with the nanny. Very scandalous! It was a long 12-hour shoot which is quite challenging when it’s almost entirely improvised but we had the amazing Ashley A. Phillips to help get us through it. Thank you Ashley and Mark J. Parker from ABC for casting me! In case you missed it, I’ve added the episode to the Clips page as well. Just scroll down and you’ll see it.


Just got some super cool news this week…the American Women’s College spot has been renewed and will run a little while longer. Thank you again to Michael Jordan at 31 Lengths!


I’ve been lucky to have quite a number of jobs for Center City Film and Video this year working with charming producers and account managers such as Ron Laskodi (don’t tell him I called him charming), Glenn Zeigler, Dave Mortlock, and Mark DiBartolomeo. Great jobs like Advantexe, Boscov’s, etc. I’m always happy to shoot with you guys. And great to see Stacey Blitz in the studio as well!


I got to check out Red Nucleus’s AMAZING new space in Yardley, PA. This place is HOT! And Scott Pehnke always makes my job easy and fun to do. 


Spent some time at Bristol Myers Squibb this year playing a nurse practitioner in a couple of videos. Big thanks to Kathy Wickline for bringing me in for the casting session and Terry Colbert for being so detail-oriented and professional.


Alphabet Soup continues to entertain and teach children in the Red Clay School District about the wonders of books and their local surroundings. I always love working with Rob Markopolous and Mie Jensen. They are two of the best in the business! I put our Back to School episode up on the Clips page. If you’ve got kids, let them check it out!


Penn Medicine is one of those relatively steady gigs that I always look forward to. Some of Philly’s finest actors and improvisers get together to perform different ethical cases in the medical field for a group of professionals taking a course in the Bioethics Dept at University of Penn. The stories are never black and white, and change every single time we perform them. But when you’re with people like Kimberly Fairbanks, Susan Moses, Rene Good, Neill Hartley, Steve Hatzai, and Sharon Geller, you know that no matter what happens, you’re surrounded by a team of professional and well-trained actors who will help to make things run like a well-oiled machine. Thank you Neill Hartley for continuing to keep the band together. 


I started working with a new production company in Lancaster (well, new to me) called Viamedia. Hal Wounderly and his crew are a great group to work with. Did two spots for them this year for Guardian Life. I put one of them up on my Clips page so check it out. 


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention a job where I get to work with the uber talented and funny guy, Damian Muziani. Damian and I always enjoy working together and Michael Nelson Rizzo recognized a dynamic duo when he met us. This was for an industrial shoot for CHOP. Thank you Brian Kurtas for bringing me in for the casting session. It was a great shoot and meeting Michael and his family was a pleasure!


I worked a couple of days with Chris Cline on a CVS industrial film this summer. Headed by Don Vitello who had the smarts to have Linda Fung and Jennifer Rudolph on set as well. And thank you to Heery Casting for bring me in for the audition!


Last week I did my second job for Synchrony. Worked with Sarah Coulter who could not be nicer. Low pressure, good folks, grateful for the work, especially when it’s with Mr. Jeff Mark who knocked it out of the park!


Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley Productions and Outreach Arts brought me in on two really great projects this year. There was The Halloween Girl where I got to work with the beautiful Christy Parker and a super talented group of young actors, including the adorable Michael Dostillio. The film has been accepted in to a slew of festivals and getting great exposure. It’s very exciting! And while that’s been happening, Richard’s other film that he cast me in is also making the rounds.  Empty Spaces is a short film about a woman with a gambling addiction. It turned out great and is getting the accolades it deserves. This cast was fantastic!


It’s been a little while since my voice has hit the airways with their ads, but coming up, I have another voice over spot for some of the nicest clients one could ask for – StoneMor Partners. Looking forward to our reunion with Jim Cravero from East Coast Recording Company!


Before I go, I have to mention the event I emceed for a local newspaper fundraising event in Cheltenham where I had the privilege of introducing David Strathairn for a talk-back after they showed “Good Night and Good luck”. It certainly was a wonderful opportunity and one I won’t soon forget! So grateful to the Cheltenham Chronicle’s Benjamin Zaitz for bringing me in for the event.


Super big thanks to my wonderful agents, Peter Coe, Sarah Howell, and Mary Bowman! Can’t do all this without you! 


Okay, off to get ready to open Silken Veils this evening. Hope to see you there!




September 17, 2015


Wow! It's been a busy summer and I feel lucky to have been a part of so many great jobs these past few months. 


Got to work with Inventiv again wth Carra Minkoff behind the helm on a Teva video where we recreated a futuristic "Antique Oldshow" episode a la Hunger Games. Channeled my inner "Effie" alongside Aaron Cromie as my co-host. Thank you Philly Casting for bringing me in on that one. Liz Jacobs totally nailed the make up which was a production unto itself! See pics on the Behind the Scenes page.


Also continued to do voice over work for Vanguard and Stonemore this spring and summer. 


Booked an Independence Blue Cross commercial with my son, Jonas. Shot in Scranton in a beautiful treehouse. Posted spot on the Demo Reels and Clips page. Thank you Heery Casting for bringing Jonas and me in to auditon. It's been amazing to watch Jonas get better and better at auditioning. He's got such a knack for knowing exactly what they want.


Print work for Einstein Hospital allowed me to shoot again with the extraordinary Steve Belkowitz.


Got to work again with the unique and amazing Pamela Kramer and the guys at D2 on a LHH video. Big spokesjob that went really smoothly.  


The great thing about working in Philly, is we have so many talented people here. Dominic Episcopo is one of them. Branching out of the photography stills work he's known for, and now doing video, I got to work with him and his solid team on another Teva shoot in a totally different type of video. It was a long day but the client and crew were so great, it made my job easy!


Working with Scott Penke at Red Nucleous is always a pleasure. Shot a medical video over there this summer. 


One of my favorite reoccuring jobs is a little show called Alphabet Soup which gets shown on an educational public access show in DE. It's gorilla shooting at it's best and if you know Robert Markopolous, you know it's gonna be an adventure! Our latest episode took us to the DE Children's Museum which is actually a lot of fun for adults too. Getting ready to shoot another episode in a couple of weeks. Location TBD. Rob likes to keep me on my toes. :)


Another Univ of Penn live performance with Philly greats - Kim Fairbanks, Sharon Geller, Rene Goodwin, Neill Hartley, Stephen Hatzai, and Susan Moses are pretty much the world's most solid improv team if you as me. 


Worked on another Lancaster General Hospital video with Aurora Films. This one was for the Anne B Geisinger Hospital again. The facility is incredible and I'm happy to help show it off to the public for them. 


Jonas isn't the only one working these days. Henry booked a video for a medial text book company and shot a scene being taught how to use an inhaler with Dave Bonner as his medical techinician. I don't think I could have smiled any bigger that day.


Until next time...




March 15, 2015


So has everyone caught up on House of Cards just yet?Hopefully you caught my scene with Robin Wright in Season 3, Episode 7, where I play her Secretary. All the lines were kept so I was delighted! 


Also, look for me playing a distraught wife in a Penn Medicine commercial which is about to run any moment now. 




October 6, 2014


It seems 2014 has been a good one for this girl. So much so, that I haven't had much time to update my blog. Between kids, work and dogs, I've had my hands full! The boys are now 9 and 7 and busy with school, soccer, and choir practice. As if that wasn't enough to juggle, we've been having a great time fostering dogs with the WAGS Rescue organization. If you need/want a dog...give me a shout. Adopting a rescued dog that's been in foster care is definitely the way to go!


When I'm not covered in dog kisses and toting boys off to their various after school activities, I'm hustling my butt to film sets in all sort of great places! Some of the highlights this past year (in no particular order) include:


More episodes in various wonderful locations in Delaware with EDtv's Alphabet Soup, directed by Robert Markopolous


A few Brubaker Applliance commercials and many voice over spots for them throughout the year with Kevin Martorama at Take One Productions.


Always happy to hang out with the folks at CCFV. They've kept me busy this year with a Conair voice over and industrial videos such as Synergy and Advantix. Big thanks to Glen Zeigler, Ron Laskodi, and Mark DiBartolomeo for making my work so much fun!


Speaking of fun, who would have thought recording burial plot radio spots would be a good time?! Always done at East Coast Recording Studio with the folks from Stonemor, we've got these spots down to a science! Good people, and always a pleasure. 


I was glad to work again for SAI Global with Steve Carey on another industrial film as a raving mad customer balling out the sales rep. 


Working for Bryan Yingst at Knowledge Start is always a welcomed gig! This time is was for an anti-bullying video which I was more than happy to use my talents for a good cause.


I did a spokesrole in a Novartis in-house video with Claude Beller at Lighthouse Studios. Thank you Kathy Wickline for casting me on that one!


Lots of commercials this year too! You may have seen me in a NJ Tourism spot this summer, as a concerned wife in Wapner Newman shot by Dominic Episcopo, and many of you caught me in a PA Lottery commercial with the hilarious and charming Barry Ratcliffe! PA Lottery gave me the opportunity to FINALLY work with Chris Yurkow from Bridge Street Productions. It was worth the wait!


I'm particulary proud of the American Women's College commercial I did with a lovely young woman, Morgan Hammel. Produced by Michael Jordan, Angelle Juneau and his creative team at 31 Lengths, we flew to New Hampshire to shoot in the most idyllic little train station. It was a great trip and I think the spot came out amazing. Casted out of NY - big thanks to Jodi Kipperman's office for that one!


It only took another 22 years to find the right project but I finally got to work again with my dear friend Carra Minkoff on an in-house industrial film this summer. We haven't been on set together since 1992 during the filming of Renaissance! She's such a pro and so good at both producing and directing. Just hope it doesn't take another 22 years to work together again!


Feeling very fortunate that the Vanguard spokes video series has been extended (thank you again, Philly Casting for that fateful day!) and we're now gearing up for episode 6. Working with this crew under John Connor's watchful eyes, has been very rewarding. And the occasions when I get to work with Cyndy Barrett and Maureen McKenna as well are always rewarding!


Hadn't been to Red Nucleus in a while but Scott Pehnke brought me in for a pharma convention booth video. Got to take home a CD of his piano recordings and it is AMAZING! 


Worked quite a bit with Metanexgen this summer on their Forest Pharmaceutical in-house video series for Daliresp. What a great staff over there - Michael Kunz, Brett, James, and Matt offer a relaxed set which makes my job of reading pages upon pages of pharmaceutical jargon a heck of a lot easier!


Did a few print jobs this year - Learning Ally with photographer, Steve Belkowitz, Hershey Park (thank you Mary Bowman!), Lincoln Financial with Pete Safran and Astra Zeneca, with Marla Cassidy from Axiom.


I booked a supporting role as the lingerie store saleswoman in the feature film, Bad Summer directed by the same team known for the film The Art of the Steal, Don Argott and Sheena M. Joyce. Thank you Heery Casting for bringing me in on that one!


Rounding out the summer, many of you heard about the zombie film that my son Jonas and I did called 6:15. Produced by brother team, Ben and Oliver Samuels, Jonas and I spent a nice portion of August covered in red dyed corn syrup playing the roles of mother and son, Stephanie and Adam. It was awesome! Hung out a bit in the special effects chair with some extremely talented folks from season 5 of Face Off who created some of the most frightening living dead effects I've ever seen. Super cast and crew who took really great care of Jonas during some heavy scenes that I wasn't around for. Jonas was such a trooper, had all of his lines memorized and followed blocking and acting direction really well. Proud Mommy, indeed!


I'm also thrilled to tell you I shot a nice little supporting role in House of Cards (#3.7) playing Claire's White House secretary. It was an amazing day on set. The crew is fantastic over there and could not have been nicer. Robin Wright was gracious, and having the opportunity to work out a scene's nuances with her and director, John Dahl, was pretty friggin' cool. Fingers crossed it won't land on the cutting room floor (totally dating myself with that old phrase), but either way, the experience was great. Huge shout out and thanks to the foxy ladies at Kimberly Skyrme Casting and Peter Coe who kept pushing me till the right role came my way. 


Next up, reviving my role as Sholeh in the play, Silken Veils, written by and starring Leila Ghaznavi and directed by Candace Cihocki. One night only at Bryn Mawr College on Saturday, October 25th. Check back here for invitation details soon.


I added a few of those commercial spots I talked about to my Demo Reel and Clips page so be sure to check those out before you leave. I tagged them on to the bottom, so just scroll down and you'll see the new ones.


I added a new Behind the Scenes page to this site. It's just a start and really just having a bit of fun with it. Most of the time we're not allowed to take pictures on set but on the occasions that we are, I love to share my unique experiences with everyone.


The kids' information and pictures are updated on the Family page as well. They change so quickly, it's hard to keep up, especially with those teeth that keep falling out!


Until next time...




Carol Anne




December 11, 2013


Seems like a good day to take advantage of this beautiful snowy weather to catch up on my work blog. It's been a great couple of months since I last wrote. Shot another adorable episode of EDtv's Alphabet Soup with Rob Markopolous and Mia Jensen. What a team we were, especially when having to learn the hard way just how poorly a teleprompter works outside. A surprise to all of us but that didn't stop us from making a great show!


I was thrilled beyond belief that my son Jonas (6) booked his first SAG-AFTRA job. He played a cheering kid in a pizza parlor in a Comcast commercial! His sidekick Dorsea Palmer him took good care of Jonas since I couldn't even hang out on set with him. It was mostly NY crew but I sure was happy to see some of my favorite Philly people - Lindsay Foret, Shawn McCloskey, Sherri Vitale, Michael Confer, Beau Kegler, and Michael Bland, to name a few.


Christopher Banks continues to keep me busy. This November marks my 4th year modeling for this company. So grateful to the Ebay/True Action crew for consistently calling me in all these years. And a special congratulations goes out to our sweet stylist, Lindsay McHugh who just got engaged this week! Dana, Sonya, and Anthony...our girl is all grown up now!


In November I did a fun shoot for Pond Lehocky Law Offices at D4 Creative with one of the best directors in town, Scott Whitham. I played a nurse with a workers compensation issue and once again, donned my nurses scrubs. Thank you Linda Fung and Morgan Chalfont for making us all look pretty. Great Working with Kevin Maraza, David Lowe, Mike Confer, Mike Cherkowski, and Kevin McGlinchey as well!


Did another voice over for Stonemor Beth Israel Cemetary. Don't let the name fool you, these guys are anything but somber. Really nice client to have and I'm lucky to be on their call list!


I got to work again with my favorite production husband/wife duo at Human + Nature, Leslie Birch and Rick Gretzinger on another Neilsen Learning App video shoot. These 2 are so much fun to work with especially with Seth Shaw around to make me sound good and Courtney Lewis to strong-arm those flyaways!


Recently, I had the privilege to be a spokesperson for the US Army. Alan Pratt and I were both cast in NY by the multi-talented Pamela Kramer on this one, and shot at D2 Team Sim in Somerset, NJ with producer Mike Giordano and their really wonderful crew.


In mid-November, on the first day it snowed this season, I headed to Phoenix, AZ with an awesome group of people. It was a big job, with a big script, to be performed in front of a big audience. This was a live corporate event for BD, Inc., produced by Media Matrix with Michael Olenski at the helm and his trusty assistants, Laura Rafferty and Brian Carroll. WIth the tremendous support of this small group of people, we put on a heck of a show out there. I was so lucky to share the stage with Janis Dardaris, Kate Kearny-Patch, Bill Larson, Patrick Michael, Lenny Steinline Jr., and David Volin. Thank you Heery Casting for helping to make it all happen.


In the beginning of December, I got to travel for 3 days to Pioneer Studios in Tarrytown, NY with Pretty Damn Sweet on a Jansen Pharmaceuticals video shoot. I was the spokesperson/nurse (yes, scrubs again) and got to teach the lovely Aimee Cassada how to inject herself with this really cool tool. What a sport! Really enjoyed working with Stephen Gifford, Rick Sebeck, and Meridith Kleiner from PDS as well as the crew they compiled - Kevin Hackenberg and his guys from Get Kinetic, Tom Fanelle, Linda Fung, and the AMAZING women from Y-CATS Craft Service & Jayse Catering.


Great working yesterday with David Goodman on another financial institution in-house job. This is one of our favorite clients to work for and, if Pete Safran calls, we're there regardless of rain, sleet or snow!


And just before the month is out, I'll pack in a few more shoots. A commercial for Swirlio with Center City Film & Video, a spokesjob for a Lancaster hospital with Aurora Films, another Christopher & Banks petite model shoot, and another installment in an in-house video series for Vanguard with the incredibly encouraging Cyndie Barrett and John Connor. And I have to thank Philly Casting again for originally bringing me in on that one.


Also super excited to mention a great script reading I did called Ray of Hope. Tatianna Bacchas and screenplay writer, James Papa, brought together a great group of people including the always spectacular, Brian Wilson. Don't want to talk too much about it just yet but fingers crossed things will move forward on that project. If I know, Tatianna, they most certainly will.


At the risk of sounding like a rehearsed Oscar speech, I'd like to close out the year with a special thanks to all my clients, my agent Peter Coe as well as the ladies at the Reinhard Agency, the casting directors, and the talented actors and crew that I get to work with again and again. I love going to work and that's because I get to hang out and be creative with some very smart and hard-working people. I'm a lucky lady.


Happy Holidays! See you next year!






October 13, 2013


Feeling fortunate to have shot 2 spokesjobs this week! The first was another Nielson in-house learning app video with Human + Nature. Love working with Leslie Birch and Rich Grietzinger! Karen Lewis and Seth Shaw helped make this another great video. After that, I shot the next video in the Vanguard/Kaiser financial educational in-house series with Flying Horse Media. Super cast, client and crew! Really proud to be a part of it.


Next week, I'll be shooting the next episode in EDtv's Alphabet Soup with Rob Markopolous and Mia Jensen. I'll be hanging out in a pumpkin patch this time. I love my job!




September 29, 2013


This has been a great month! I just finished another PSA spot with Monument Films down in Arlington, VA. Then I did another Christopher and Banks fashion shoot with ebay/True Action, and a Stonemor voice over at East Coast Recording Company.  All repeat clients which makes me feel confident about the work I'm doing.


Up next, an in-house spokes-job for Vanguard and then off to Phoenix, AZ for a live industrial for a BD conference with Media Matrix in mid-November.




September 7, 2013   


This coming week I'll be recording a Claritin radio spot with the affable, Rob Maloney from Cool Water Media. Then I'm off to shoot a Nielson Learning App video with Leslie Birch and Richard Gretzinger from Human + Nature.




September 3, 2013


I may be counting down the days till school starts for the kids again, but the month of August has been great! Another fashion photo shoot for Christopher and Banks with the great folks at Ebay/True Action. A Capitol Health/Breast Cancer Awareness shoot with Steve Belkowitz, a voice over for Greenlawn Cemetery at Baker Sound, and a spokes-role for Careerminds with Raymond Lee and the guys at Propulsion.


Up next...


Spokesjob for NextGen RX Marketing and an

in-house corporate video for Lincoln Financial!



© 2013 by Carol Anne Raffa. All rights reserved

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